김영근 교수 제 55대 대한금속·재료학회 회장에 취임 (Prof. Young Keun Kim is inaugurated as the 55th President of The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials)

Professor Young Keun Kim of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Korea University has been elected as the 55th president of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM). His term will begin in January 2025 and last for one year.

김영근 고려대 신소재공학부 교수가 제55대 대한금속·재료학회 회장으로 선출됐다. 임기는 2025년 1월부터 1년.

출처: "김영근 대한금속·재료학회장", 조선일보, 2024년 11월 12일, https://www.chosun.com/national/people/2024/11/12/FMXQHZ4LCZHXPBWYQBBREKLUW4/ 

2024년도 ENGE(The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment, 2024)

Graduate students Mr. Tae Yoon Lee, Ms. Eunjin Jeong, Mr. Young Jun Jang and Mr. Yeonbeom Kim attended ENGE(The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment) held in Jeju, Korea on November 24 to 27, 2024. Prof. Kim served as the conference chair.

대학원생 이태윤, 정은진, 장영준, 김연범은 2024년 11월 24일부터 27일 제주도에서 개최된 ENGE(The International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment)에 참석했다. 대학원생 정은진은 Best Oral Award를 대학원생 장영준과 김연범은 Best Poster Award를 수상했다.

김영근 교수는 이번 ENGE의 의장을 맡았다.


  • 이태윤: Poly urethane based flexible radiative cooling cover sheet
  • 정은진: Synthesis of One-Dimensional Wire-, Tube-, and Coil-Shaped Nanostructures by Template-Assisted Electrodeposition
  • 장영준: Electrochemically Synthesized Au-, Pt-FePO4 Multiyolk-Shell Nanocoils via One-Step Process for Superior Photocatalytic Efficiency
  • 김연범: Development of Fe3O4-Au Porous Core-satellite Nanocomposites for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment

The 35th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)

Our laboratory members attended 'The 35th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics' held in Seoul, Korea on July 24th to 26th, 2024.

Prof. Oogane's laboratory at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, and Prof. Shima’s Lab, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan participated in this workshop.

Invited speakers are as follows.
- Prof. Hyunjoo Lee at KAIST
- Mr. H. Fukushima at Spin Sensing Factory Corp.
- Dr. K. Masuda at NIMS
- Dr. S. Tsunegi at AIST
- Prof. M. Goto at the University of Fukui

고려대학교 김영근 교수팀은 일본 Tohoku 대학교 Oogane 교수팀, 일본 Tohoku Gakuin 대학교 Shima 교수팀과 제 35회 Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)을 개최했다.

NIMS, AIST, Spin Sensing Factory Corp., University of Fukui 그리고 KAIST의 연사자를 초청하여 워크샵을 진행했다.


2024년도 IEEE Nano(IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 2024)

Graduate student Ms. J. Lee and Mr. T. Y. Lee attended IEEE Nano(IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 2024) held in Gijon, Spain on July 7th to 12th, 2024.

대학원생 이지영, 이태윤은 2024년 7월 7일부터 7월 12일 스페인 히혼에서 개최된 IEEE Nano(IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology) 에 참석했다.


  • 이지영: Spin-orbit torque engineering by Ti alloying in beta W-based heterostructures
  • 이태윤: PAN-nanofiber-based radiative cooling cover sheet with dual-modal optical properties

2024년도 춘계 대한금속재료학회(The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Spring 2024)

Graduate students Mr. T. Y. Lee, Ms. E. Jeong and Ms. E. Oh attended the Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials held in Jeju on April 24th to 26th, 2024.

대학원생 이태윤, 정은진, 오은수는 2024년 4월 25일부터 28일 제주에서 개최된 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회에 참석했다.


  • 이태윤: 나노 섬유/금속산화물 기반 유연한 복사 냉각 소재
  • 정은진: Nanoarchitecture of wire-, tube-, and coil- shaped structures by the selectrion of additives during template-assisted electrodeposition
  • 오은수: 고효율 광촉매 성능을 가진 다중 요크-쉘 나노코일의 원스텝(One-step) 합성


The 34th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)

Our laboratory members attended 'The 34th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics' held in Sendai, Japan on  February 21 ~ 23, 2024.


일본 Tohoku대 Oogane 교수님 연구실, Seki 교수님 연구실, Tsunoda 교수님 연구실과 34번째 JIWON 워크샵을 가졌다. 

2023년도 동계 한국자기학회(2023 Winter Conference of the Korean Magnetics Society)

Graduate students, Mr. D. Kim, Ms. H. Kim and Ms. Y. E. Kim attended the 2023 Korean Magnetics Society winter conference held in Busan on November 22nd to 24th, 2023.

대학원생 김두원, 김한솔, 김예은은 2023년 11월 22일부터 24일 부산에서 개최된 한국자기학회 하계학술대회에 참석했다.

대학원생 이민혁은 한국자기학회 동계학술대회 우수대학원생상을 수상했다.