The 35th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)

Our laboratory members attended 'The 35th Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics' held in Seoul, Korea on July 24th to 26th, 2024.

Prof. Oogane's laboratory at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, and Prof. Shima’s Lab, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan participated in this workshop.

Invited speakers are as follows.
- Prof. Hyunjoo Lee at KAIST
- Mr. H. Fukushima at Spin Sensing Factory Corp.
- Dr. K. Masuda at NIMS
- Dr. S. Tsunegi at AIST
- Prof. M. Goto at the University of Fukui

고려대학교 김영근 교수팀은 일본 Tohoku 대학교 Oogane 교수팀, 일본 Tohoku Gakuin 대학교 Shima 교수팀과 제 35회 Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)을 개최했다.

NIMS, AIST, Spin Sensing Factory Corp., University of Fukui 그리고 KAIST의 연사자를 초청하여 워크샵을 진행했다.